Tel: 07961 443 918
Charity Work
Dan is a trustee for the Samburu Trust in Kenya, Vale for Africa in Uganda and the Keeler Foundation, raising funds and offering practical help such as telemedicine support and organising surgical camps.
If you would like to find out more about these charities or donate, click on the logos above.
Dan operating under canvas in Kenya to treat trachoma.
Trachoma is spread by flies.
Home-made tweezers for plucking eyelashes turning in due to trachoma.
Samburu Trust surgical team during the first camp.
Samburu Trust surgical team during the first camp.
A Samburu woman attends clinic the day after surgery.
Teaching one of the local Samburu trachoma monitors basic suturing skills.
Beading is embedded into the culture of the Samburu people. Here 2 girls await a trachoma check.
Visit of an eye surgeon from Tororo, Uganda to Cardiff to work with Dan, sponsored by Vale for Africa.
Big smiles at the end of a charity bike ride for the Welsh Rugby Charitable Trust.
Team BOSU win the charity 5k run in aid of the John Lee Fellowship.
Struggling up the Tumble in the Welsh velothon.
Jubilation at the end of the Cardiff half marathon.
In the heart of Wales on another charity bike ride.
At the Principality Stadium in Cardiff after a 3 day bike ride through Wales in aid of the Welsh Rugby Charitable Trust.
Dan regularly fund raises for these charities and others, including the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem and LATCH, the Welsh Children’s Cancer Charity.
One of Dan’s patients who has raised funds for Cardiff Eye Unit by shaving off her hair after successful orbital surgery
Awareness of the challenges of poverty and sustainable global health care is vital
Please click on the logos below if you would like to find out more or donate.